We're fundraising for Lo

Hello everyone! We are excited to be running the 2025 London Marathon in honor of our dear friend Lauren who we lost this past May. We are running in support of Rethink Mental Illness, a leading charity provider of mental health services in the UK.
Lauren was a passionate runner, a charitable missionary, a motivated professional, and an incredible mother and friend. She saw running as a tool to build self-confidence and never missed an opportunity to empower others while doing it. Lauren had a dream to run all of the World Major Marathons, and as her high school cross country friends, we believe the best way to honor her is to carry her across these finish lines ourselves!
Lo’s enthusiasm for life continues to inspire us each and every day, and we would love your support as we help her accomplish this World Majors dream!
Emma Atwell, Sierra Dinges, & Emily Waters
Thank you to our Sponsors


Ken & Tina Wagers

Carolyn Waters

Tom And Valerie Waters

The Dinges Family
We’re so proud of you and will be praying for you Emily and Emma as you prepare and train for these marathons. This is such a beautiful way to honor Lauren’s life and continue her legacy. We love you!!! Mom and Dad

Kelly And Clay Shubin
We are thrilled that you’re running the London marathon in Lo’s honor. She will be with you every step of the way!

Guy Mckhann


Ryan Pfeifer
Such an incredible way to honor Lauren.

G Ma And G Pa Dinges
You are beautiful young women to do this in memory of your friend. We are so proud of you. Lots of love.

Michele Nicholson
So happy for you!

Kathryn Waters


Nart Cermaner

Lillian & Peyton Hayslette

Kaitlyn Kane
Go Emily!!!!!!

From the Wardlaw family!

Guy Mckhann

Marty Atwell
This is so very wonderful for you. I can just see you fly like the wind!❤️

Grace Growney
This is an incredible way to celebrate and honor Lauren. You go girls!!

Shirley Brice And Dave Polyard
This is such a beautiful way to honor your friend. Emily, we wish all of you a safe trip there and please send us pictures!

Barbara Kelly
Love this!

Bri Varto
What an incredible way to honor Lauren and for such a great cause. Wishing you all an amazing race!

Charlotte Frick
So amazing you guys are doing this race for Lauren. She was such a special person and would be so proud of you. Good luck in your race - I know you'll crush it!

Karla & Drew Beaulieu
Thank you for supporting Lauren's family in this way. Good luck!

Leon Donovan
What an amazing way to honor your friend! You’re the goods Emma! ❤️

Jane Polyard

Heather Walsh
Good luck ladies.

Dayoung Cheong
Yay!! Good luck to all the runners :)

Sue Quirk
Awesome! Love the Quirk family

Meg Thalken
So proud of you. Your friend would be proud, too.

Matt Paisley
TRXC love Drink plenty of water and don’t talk to boys in London.

Donovan Spaulding

Sarah Thalkenatwell
Love you Lauren. Run ladies run.

Get after it girls! 💘

Heather Tat
Lauren would be so proud 🥹💗 Good luck love you guys!!!

Riley Welch

Justin Wagers

Holly Zenner
Cheers to supporting one another and a worthy pursuit 💜 you Emma P!

V & Jake

Bob Atwell
Go EmmaP!!!!! We love you!!!

Chandler Jenson
Go get ‘em big dogs. You can’t properly honor Lauren’s running legacy if you don’t pee your pants or dramatically flop on the ground at the finish like. Just keep that in mind.

You go girls!! 👏🏽💕 Lauren would be so proud!

Maddie Ward
What an incredible way to honor, Lauren! Y’all are amazing!!!

Victor T
Good luck on the race!!

Sarah Olson
Sending 💕💕 what a beautiful way to honor Lauren

Hannah Hensley
Proud of you all — it’s only fitting to honor such the legendary Laurshube in a legendary way!

Evan And Erin Stolk
We love and miss you, Lauren! Do TRXC proud, y’all!

Good luck girls!! Can’t wait to cheer you on! 💕

Hope B
Proud of you guys!

Devon L

Sally Gallagher

Chelsea Hwang
What an incredible way to honor your friend and raise awareness. I’m so proud of you, Em! Will be cheering you and the ladies on!

Mackenzie Carson

Thanks for running for Lo, I love that girl ❤️ - from another TRXC teammate

Allison Trizna

Ann Hemminger
I have such fond memories of cheering for all of you as TRXC runners. This is a beautiful way to honor Lauren. Can't wait to (virtually) cheer for you all in London!

Katie R

Nathan Harris
Good luck! You’ve got this!

Zachary Burridge

Molly Gallagher
Em! So proud of you for doing this!! <3

Green Dorothea
Emma, So proud of you ! Thank you

Alison Burgess

Caroline Hazapis
This is amazing! I will be cheering you all on from afar 👊🏻

Alex Kaminsky

Ann & Madeline Ungs

Linden Howard
Good luck Emma!

Nicki Tarde
A beautiful tribute to Lauren & helping out a great cause. Doing TRXC proud ladies!! 💙💚

Alex Crites
It’s so special that you all are able to do this to celebrate Lauren - what an incredible tribute. Cheering you on each step of the way! <3

Madilyn Lowry

Asia Egan
Go girls! Sending love from a North Carolina friend.

Christina Li
Best of luck Emily x

Richard Provolt
Great cause. May peace be with her family.

Olivia Holland
What a beautiful cause to support. Once a Grizzly, Always a Grizzly!

Tom & Abbie Anderson
Go smash it Emma and co! Top work, we will be cheering you on along the route.

Tatum Rask



Kate White

Bailey Ness
We <3 Lauren

Josh Thalken
Love you, cuz!
