
The Rethink Relay

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My target 2 mi

I'm fundraising for Rethink Mental Illness!

During October I'm taking part in the Rethink Relay! 🎃

As many of you know I have the most wonderful son, in my Oliver. Maybe not so many of you know that Oliver has a diagnosis of Schizophrenia. Because of this, I know the importance of having access to resources and support.💙

I'm choosing this Charity because of the experiences I've had with them. I don't believe all Charities are 'created equal' but every person I have ever encountered at Rethink, (and that goes right to the top) are sincere and so very dedicated to their mission. It's actually really quite moving. 🥲

 I want to help them continue, in improving the lives of those affected by severe mental health issues.

I'm happy that Olly Bollz is part of my Relay Team and if you're a walker or runner and would like to take the baton any day, let me know! 🏃🏻‍♀️🚶🏿‍♂️🚶🏻‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶🏼‍♂️🚶🏼‍♀️🏃🏽‍♂️🚶🏽‍♀️🏃🏿‍♀️

Your contribution will help provide vital services such as support groups, and educational resources for individuals and families affected by mental illness.

Mental Illness 'robs' and so many people who should be with us today, have lost their lives to it. 💔

Oliver is doing so well at present and hopefully will continue to do so, but there have been tough times and times where I'm sure, we could have lost him. 

It's at times like that, when the only thing these Illnesses can't take away, should you, or indeed are able to, choose it, is Hope. 🕊️

I am particularly grateful for the knowledge, which to me was so invaluable, that I received from Rethink Mental Illness. For me knowledge was power and I can't thank them enough. That is why I am asking you, if you can, to please help me make a difference.😊🙏

Thankyou 💙

Every Mile Brings Hope 💙

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Donations Already?!

Monday 2nd Sep
So I set up my Fundraising page and shared it to Facebook, and within 24 hrs I had reached 80% of the target I had set! 😲
Ye see, the thing that prevents me from doing more sponsored charity events is that I am flipping awful at asking for support or money. Cringe. 😩
I did however really want to do this for Rethink. I'll talk more about why this organisation /charity means so much to me but for now I'd like to thank my first lovely sponsors! 

Derek. Our next door neighbour growing up. We share lots of memories. Derek has always been a friend to our family and indeed is a friend to everyone. I've never heard him say anything negative about another person and he always has a smile, kindness, and one of his jokes for everyone he meets. As I've told him before he should do stand up.😁 He makes laughter and happiness infectious and you always feel better having met and stopped and had a chat with him. So thankyou Derek. 🙏
Samantha. We met when we were 11ish and has been my gorgeous wee pal since. She has always been there and at my worst times, she has always had my back completely. We couldn't ask for a better friend. She's thoughtful, kind, generous, and hilariously silly in the best possible way. She adores Oliver (Aunty Sam) and is one of his most fervent supporters. (the girl's got taste 😉)We have made lots of lovely memories, and have shared loads of pizza, nachos, ice cream, Sweeties, wine, and of course good, and weird convo over the years. Thankyou Samantha/Sam 🩵
Jan. You know when you meet someone and you just instantly click? It's even nicer then as you get to know them and you find out they're also a really good and thoroughly decent human being, cool a fu, great fun to be around, open, authentic and won't hesitate to help if they can. She'll probably laugh but I also think she is one of the wisest and cleverest beings I have encountered. Anyhow I had a bit of what they would have called years ago 'a nervous breakdown' when we both lived and worked together in London. It wasn't that long after I had lost Mum and Oll was just a babby. I was in a state, work had pushed me to the limit, and I desperately needed to go home... If I remember right, I didn't have the money for the flights at that time, to go there and then. Without a second thought and even though we probably hadn't known each other terribly long, Jan lent me the money, and arranged my trip home... And I think she sorted out whatever I needed sorted at work. I also know that it doesn't matter how long it is that we don't see each other, we'll pick up exactly where we left off and talk 'till the cows come home'. I know that mental health matter and making things better for people who have mental health conditions is particularly important to her. 🖤 And of course I've no doubt she also loves 'the boy'. I mean who wouldn't? 😉💙
So, I was not only delighted to receive donations so early, I also felt a little emotional... Partly because, as always I have the support of these lovely human beings and I also know they love and support Oliver, but also because we are doing something that I know, through Rethink, will definitely help people who have mental illnesses and their loved ones. ✊
So again thankyou, believe me, I will be walking miles and miles, (breaking my own walking record 🤞) and will hopefully be doing all you, Rethink Mental Illness and my son proud. 
Leonne X😘💙

Thank you to my Sponsors


Derek Moore

Wishing Oliver all the success in his life ahead.With his Mum Leonne by his side may they find the strength and will to go from strength to strength to have the best possible mental health going forward for two beautiful people that I am so proud to call my friends..Take care and best wishes to you both for the days, years that lay ahead.🙏💕🙏 Derek



All the best to the most awesome team I've ever known 🩵🩷


Jan Marshall

Love to you and Oliver xx