Eloise Nichols

London Landmarks 2025

My Activity Tracking


I'm fundraising for Rethink Mental Illness!

On April 6th, 2025, something truly extraordinary is going to happen: I, Eloise Nichols am going to run the London Landmarks Half Marathon for Rethink Mental Illness. Yes, you read that right. Me, the person whose idea of a marathon was binge-watching TV series, is going to lace up and run 13.1 miles.

 Why??? Well, as a paramedic, I've seen firsthand the impact of mental health issues on countless individuals and there loved ones. From panic attacks to severe depression, mental health struggles don't discriminate. They affect 1 in 4 people every year – that's 25% of the population! And it’s not just about statistics – every single one of us knows or loves someone affected by mental illness. Whether it's a friend, family member, or colleague mental health issues touch us all.

And we need to talk about the untalked-about conditions too, like schizophrenia, psychosis, and personality disorders. These are often less comfortable for people to discuss, but that makes it all the more important. The stigma and silence surrounding these conditions can make those suffering from them feel even more isolated and misunderstood.

That's why I'm running – or at least attempting to – to raise funds and awareness for Rethink Mental Illness. This amazing charity works tirelessly to ensure everyone gets the help they need when they need it. Rethink Mental Illness offers expert advice and information, supports people severely affected by mental illness through a network of local groups and services, and campaigns nationally for policy changes. They help tens of thousands of people every year, and their work is more vital now than ever.

So, here I am, training (and trust me, that's a sight to behold) and gearing up to pound the pavements of London. I need your help to make this journey worthwhile. Please consider donating to my fundraising campaign. Every penny helps, and it might even make my blisters feel less painful.

Join me in this adventure – whether by cheering me on, talking about mental health, or donating to a great cause. Together, we can make a difference, one step at a time (even if some of those steps are more like waddles).

Thank you for your support!

Eloise Nichols

P.S. If you see someone crawling towards the finish line on April 6th, that's probably me. Give me a wave!

My Achievements

Has Fundraising Page

Updated Profile Pic

Self Donated

Thanked Donor

50% of Fundraising Target

Raised £250

Reached Fundraising Goal

Increased Fundraising Target

Thank you to my Sponsors

